2024 ACA National Harbor Program Book_Winter Conference
C-2G Teledentistry: An Effective Tool for Enhancing Dental Care in the Correctional Setting (CE, CERP) Track: Healthcare & Treatment Room: National Harbor 7 Teledentistry is a virtual tool that is used to enhance dental care and dental education without the patient being in the same location as the dental provider. In the correctional setting, teledentistry can be a valuable tool to provide timely dental care to the offender population and cost savings on transportation and custody staff coverage for outside appointments. Learning Objectives: • Ability to describe teledentistry and how it can be used for patients care in a correctional setting. • Become familiar with teledental equipment and how it can be used to provide dental care to the offender population. • Understand the advantages and limitations when using teledentistry. Moderator: James Clare , DDS, MPH, Dental Director, North Carolina Department of Adult Correction, Raleigh, North Carolina Speakers: James Clare , DDS, MPH, Dental Director, North Carolina Department of Adult Correction, Raleigh, North Carolina; Donna Woodruff , DDS, Assistant Dental Director, North Carolina Department of Adult Correction, Raleigh, North Carolina C-2H Wellness at Work: Preparedness Strategies for the Correctional Professional (CE, CME) Track: Staff Training Room: National Harbor 11 Correctional officers and support staff are our most valuable resource, yet most correctional agencies across the country fail to provide correctional staff with ongoing training and education related to physical, mental and emotional preparedness. Research indicates that correctional officers have a much higher rate of post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, suicide and other chronic illnesses
as compared to traditional law enforcement and other public safety professions. This presentation provides participants with evidence-based practices to better prepare them physically, mentally and emotionally for duty each day. A focus will be placed on developing healthy coping mechanisms and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Learning Objectives: • Ability to identify both the inherent and hidden risks associated with working in a correctional environment. • Develop the resources and knowledge to improve their physical, mental and emotional wellness, which will make them better prepared for duty. • Create and implement healthy coping strategies aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle. Moderator: Andre Bethea , Senior Policy Advisor, Bureau of Justice Assistance, Washington, D.C. Speakers: DeWayne Hendrix , M.B.A., M.P., D.P.P., BJA, Warden (Ret), CorWellness, Tallahassee, Florida; Monroe B. Hudson , M.A.J., Commissioner (Ret),Program Lead, BJA CorWellness, Tallahassee, Florida; Mary McCaffity , M.P.S., Deputy Director, Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Austin, Texas C-2I Application of Gender Affirming Care for Incarcerated Persons (CE, CEU) Tracks: Healthcare & Treatment/Staff Training/Special PopulationsSocial Work NEW! Room: National Harbor 12 Gain understanding of the indications for and types of gender affirming care. Increase understanding of how gender dysphoria impacts patient’s physical and mental health. Relate gender affirming care paradigms to the incarcerated population and their specific needs. Discuss and explore common misconceptions about the transgender population and transgender medical care. Identify further opportunities and resources for
WORKSHOPS Saturday, Jan. 6 ▼ 10–11:30 a.m.
142 — ACA 2024 Winter Conference | National Harbor, MD
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