Judd then related some harrowing traumas from her childhood and how she “narrowly escaped being part of the childhood sexual abuse to prison pipeline.” Judd related a story from about a kindness shown by a neighbor during his troubles which resonated with her for years. She then talked about how to make the distinction between the mental health issues from which a person suffers and their humanity. “Being able to hold people accountable without being punitive that’s our work,” Judd stated. Judd then talked about how she began the heal ing process for herself with a visit to her sister in treatment for an eating disorder. “[My sister] was the first to get evidence-based trauma induced care,” Judd recalled. Judd went on to say she spent time in the same program for her own childhood trauma despite her outward appearance of successfully dealing with her inner pain. On the adverse childhood experiences quiz “as a family we score 10 out of 10,” Judd revealed. Judd then shared some of the ways she is cop ing with her own mental health including 12-step programs, workshops every year and writing with her non dominant hand. “You deserve to take care of yourself. You deserve to be healthy you deserve to be well. What you are trying to do is significant, a tall order, you deserve to thrive not just white knuckle it and survive,” Judd said.
ACA and CAC Award to the Florida Department of Corrections for PREA compliance and ACA Accreditation in all programs within its jurisdiction.
Throughout the talk, Ashley became visibly emotional, especially when talking about her mother and times she was the recipient of great kindnesses from others. Judd ended the presentation asking the audi ence to do a positive mental affirmation. After Judd’s talk, the Lucy Webb Hayes award was given to the Florida Department of Corrections. ANew Orleans band then struck up and led the participants from the ballroom down to the exhibit hall. Another successful General Session was closed.
Corrections Today November/December 2022 — 41
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