Generational staffing issues take center stage E arly birds who filled Grand Ballroom 9 on a Saturday morning at 8 a.m. were treated to a lively and informative discussion of generational difference in the workforce from a corrections point of view. Generational Differences in the Workplace: Staff Wellness Perspectives
Burl Cain, the Commissioner of the Mississippi Department of Corrections, representing the Baby Boomers was Denise Robinson President & CEO, Alvis, Inc., Tyrone Oliver, Commissioner of the Georgia Department of Corrections represented Generation X, Millennials were represented by Joe Bugher Assistant Director, Health Services Division Oregon Department of Corrections while Genera tion Z was represented by Ryan Ramsey Sergeant, Region II Florida Department of Correction. The panel moved through the various differenc es in how corrections staff of different generations has different expectations, especially in percep tions of staff wellness. Correctional leaders must
Moderator Karhlton Moore, Director of the Bu reau of Justice Assistance led an intergenerational panel in a spirited discussion about the challenges of managing the very different experiences, expec tations and needs of generations of correctional employees. The panel consisted of representatives from the various generations beginning with Traditionalist
understand how each generation wants to be motivated towards their own sense of wellness. If you would like to check out this session in its entirety, please go to ACA’s You Tube page.
Corrections Today May/June 2023 — 53
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