how, with the last of his meager savings about to run out, he landed the role that catapulted him to superstadom. Even as Winkler enjoyed tremendous success as “The Fonz”, he still struggled with self-image. He urged participants to work though the negative thoughts everyone has: “When you have a negative thought, and that negative thought is stopping you. You say it out loud, people will look at you very strangely, but you say out loud, I’m sorry, I have no time for you now.” Winkler’s story doesn’t end with his Happy Days success, he regaled the crowd with stories from his other successful shows like Barry, for which he won an Emmy award and he reminded the crowd it would be coming out on HBO very soon. He also read a short excerpt from his very suc cessful children’s book series Hank Zipser. As he noted, a lot of Hank Zipser, subtitled the World’s Greatest Underachiever, sprang from his own childhood experiences. Winkler accompanied his talk with various pho tos from his journey, including his two dogs and shots from various productions he’s been a part of. After answering a few questions from the audi ence, Winkler left the stage to a hearty round of applause for his charming and funny performance. President Tony Parker then asked all new of ficers of ACA to stand and take the ACA Oath of Office. New members of the Board of Governors, Delegate Assembly and Commission on Accredita tion were sworn in. Rounding out the session was the inaugural address of the 108 th President of ACA Denise M. Robinson. Her remarks appear elsewhere in this issue and the appreciative crowd listened to her pow erful words and were generally moved and inspired.
Award Winners
The prestigious American Correctional Association Medal of Valor was presented to Frederick County Correctional Officer Amy Cunningham.
The Peter P. Lejins Research Award was presented to Leanne Alarid, Professor and Department Chair of Criminal Justice at the University of Texas at El Paso.
52 — May/June 2023 Corrections Today
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