
General Session

Henry Winkler charms at Winter Conference General Session E arly on Monday January 30th, Marriott World Center in Orlando employees were hurrying to put out more chairs in the Canary Ballroom as the room filled to overflowing

in anticipation of the crown jewel event at the 2023 American Correctional Association Winter Conference: The General Session. Every seat was filled and many participants were standing along the walls as the General Ses sion began with the traditional, single-file opening processional of ACA leadership. President Tony Parker called the session to order. After the honor guard presented the colors and a stirring rendition of the National Anthem was heard, the Rev. Norma Gillom delivered the invocation and President Parker introduced the Executive Committee and honored guests. Florida’s Secretary of Corrections Ricky D. Dixon welcomed the crowd to Orlando and recounted the long history between ACA and the Florida Department of Corrections. As the host agency, Louis A. Quiñones Jr., Chief of

Corrections at Orange County Corrections also welcomed the crowd and encouraged them to enjoy the sunshine. Dr. Elizabeth Falcon was then introduced, and she told the crowd how “we must become the champions of our profession.” She was followed by Bridget Schlick of Aramark who explained how important it was to give hope of a better life for all their clients. A hearty welcome followed the introduction of this year’s keynote speaker; Actor, producer and author Henry Winkler. Perhaps best known for his role as Arthur Fonzarelli on the show “Happy Days”, Winkler has been a staple of the entertainment business for going on four decades. He regaled the crowd with stories from his youth where he recalled tremen dous difficulty with schoolwork because of an undiagnosed learning disability. Despite his struggles in school, Winkler de scribed how he longed to be an actor and managed to get into Yale Drama School. He recounted

Corrections Today May/June 2023 — 51

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