
Exhibit Hall

Packed Exhibit Hall showcases best in corrections

S cores of the leading organizations in corrections packed the Cypress Ballroom at the Orlando World Center Marriott for ACA’s 2023 Winter Conference. Conference goers thronged through the aisles look ing at the latest technology from cutting-edge providers, networking with key decision makers and getting new ideas for problems faced by corrections officials across the nation. Exhibitors had a wide array of displays and many hands-on demonstrations allowing conference goers to experience all the best in new technology. Tables were filled to capacity for the Exhibit Hall luncheon as conference goers spent this time exchanging ideas gleaned from the many workshops and sessions they had already attended. The exhibit hall in Philadelphia for the 153 rd Congress of Correction promises to be even larger and more active with many more top of the line companies and organiza tions already slated to appear.


50 — May/June 2023 Corrections Today

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