
and Reintegration Environment) and EPIC (Enhanced Prosocial Interaction Community); each consisting of four phases. DTP is located at a medium security prison. “This operation has provided an opportunity for individuals to acquire the necessary tools and resources to be successful in all environments. This program has also allowed for staff to grow and further develop their skills and abilities to facilitate and encourage individuals within the program.” — Patrick Hill, SDTP-DTP Treatment Officer, River North Correctional Center

The Secure Diversionary Treatment Program (SDTP) increases the level of treatment services available for those confined in correctional facilities. Photo courtesy Allie Lovell

Inmates have the opportunity to participate in additional adjunctive programming based on their unique risks, needs, and treatment plans.

Challenge Series interactive journals; this journal series focuses on strategies for the reduction of criminal behav ior and development of personal coping skills. HSDTP is located in a maximum security prison. Intensive Diversionary Treatment Program (IDTP) houses inmates who may have repeated involvements in self-directed violence (SDV) and emergency transports, may present with borderline personality disorder, not typically violence towards others, and do not presently meet admission criteria to a Mental Health Unit, but may have a history of prior admissions. The main treatment component is Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). DBT is an established program model for inmates with person ality disorders, significant depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, addictions and dual diagnosis difficulties. DBT is a cognitive behavioral therapy modality that helps in dividuals develop four skill sets: mindfulness, emotional regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal effective ness. In addition, IDTP also incorporates the Corrective Actions journal series; a journal series that focuses on accountability of the individuals actions. IDTP is located in a correctional treatment center. Diversionary Treatment Program (DTP) houses inmates who behavior patterns are less serious in nature, occasionally engages in SDV or threats of, and show to be more motivated to participate in programming. These units incorporate programming that focuses on life skills, healthy choices and building prosocial relationships. The DTP is the largest component of the SDTP initiative with two sections: SCORE (Secure Communitive Orientation

Inmates have the opportunity to participate in addition al adjunctive programming based on their unique risks, needs, and treatment plans. Examples include but are not limited to individual therapy, medication management, educational services, substance abuse services, anger management, trauma informed care, and other group and individual electives. “Life takes you down many roads and avenues that go in different directions. I had multiple guys tell me ‘I don’t think I’m going to be able to make it in this program.’ I always tell them to set a goal that they want to achieve during their time in the pro gram because that gives them something to strive for. Many of them have told me at the end of the program that it did get a lot easier as they learned

things on a daily basis and that having an end goal always helps keep things in perspective,” — SDTP-IDTP Treatment Officer, Marion Correctional Treatment Center.

Corrections Today July/August 2022— 29

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