n Treatment
Results of SDTP and Goals
2 Years Before Placement
2 Years After Placement
% Change
Reduce the number of inmates with an SMI managed in a restrictive housing environment
Reduce the number of serious incidents
Reduce the number of serious disciplinary infractions
Reduce the number of emergency transports
Source: VADOC Research Unit, January 6, 2022
The data in the chart above reflect the results of SDTP and achieving the goals of improved safety and security: In addition, the final goal of SDTP is to improve pro social metrics including resiliency, social relationships, stress management, and communication. The mental health programs utilized by the SDTP include pre/post test scores to adequately determine effectiveness of the groups and overall program fidelity. Statistically sig nificant program results include improvements with the following: –– High Security Diversion: Illness, Management and Recovery (IMR) (t=0.02; t=0.05), Traumatic Stress and Resilience group (t=0.04 and Coping with Stress (t=0.03). Participants gained knowl edge about trauma and accessed how that trauma has affected their lives. They also developed skills and strategies to increase resiliency and reported a decrease in their perceived stress at the conclusion of the group. –– Intensive Diversion: significant improvement in their social interactions (t=0.01) following the completion of the Social Skills group. –– Diversionary Treatment: Coping with Stress (t=0.05), Feelings (Life Skills Series) (t=0.02), Self-Management (Life Skills Series) (t=0.05), Social Skills (t=0.001), and Houses of Healing (t=0.01). The Life Skills Series groups helped the inmates to gain a better understanding of how their thoughts, feelings and behaviors are connected so that the inmates can make better choices. The inmates also developed healthy social skills and improved communication.
In addition to the data presented above, the MITT has approved fifty-eight total graduations, with only eleven inmates returning at least once and only one inmate re turning twice. Considering the data, the low rate of return and the challenging population these units manage, the VADOC views this initiative as extremely successful and worthwhile. SDTP was proudly recognized as a win ner in 2021 by the Southern Legislative Conference and their State Transformation in Action Recognition (STAR) award for state government program and services. “SDTP is guided by Evidence Based Practices, and its multi-disciplinary approach joins science, innovation and knowledge to provide inmates with a serious mental illness a significant path way to increase and improve their quality of life,” — Gregory Holloway, Western Regional Operations Chief. For more information about SDTP, please contact Allie Lovell, Special Program Manager for Diversionary Programs at Allie Lovell began her career in the Virginia Department of Corrections in 2017 as a Casework Counselor at River North Correctional Center, was promoted to Mental Health Group Technician and in 2019 was promoted to her current position of Special Program Manager for Diversionary Housing. Ms. Lovell has a Masters in Organizational Leadership from Colorado State University-Global Campus and a Bachelors in Criminal Justice from Radford University.
30 — July/August 2022 Corrections Today
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