n Treatment
Training required and offered for SDTP staff
The Virginia Department of Corrections did not transi tion into the implementation phase of SDTP blindly, but rather prepared staff designated for these units with spe cialized training. Through analysis, it was determined that there was a need for seasoned staff who had demonstrated the ability to de-escalate a variety of situations. There are three specialized trainings that all staff who work within the unit are required to have prior to being assigned to the program; these trainings include Corrections Crisis Inter vention Training (C-CIT), Mental Health First Aid and Trauma Informed Care. The Department also provided trainings on Interactive Journaling by Change Company ® , which is utilized in all SDTP units. In addition, training to facilitate the unit specific programming was available to all SDTP staff who facilitate treatment and mental health structured programming. “SDTP is a great opportunity that allows staff to focus on helping inmates in non-traditional ways and helps lay the groundwork for their ability to have a better future.” — L. Summers, SDTP-HSDTP Psychology As sociate, Wallens Ridge State Prison SDTP referral process An increased level of review, fidelity assurance, monitoring of inmate progression and appropriate inmate placement is carefully managed through an innovative system of checks and balances. An inmate is referred to SDTP by the facility leadership and mental health staff. This referral is reviewed and approved by the regional Mental Health Clinical Supervisor (MCHS) and the Re gional Operations Chief or Regional Administrator. The referral is submitted to the Multi-Institution Treat ment Team (MITT), an external fidelity review team. The MITT is comprised of nine members including program and mental health staff at the three SDTP sites, central office mental health staff, the Special Program Manager for Diversionary Housing, and is chaired by a Regional Administrator. The team meets weekly to review refer rals and recommendations are made by dialogue and
Photo courtesy Allie Lovell
consensus. Referral decisions into SDTP are team ori ented and the members are responsible for the following reviews and recommendations: –– Ensuring all referred and accepted inmates meet eli gibility requirements and are in genuine need of the Secure Diversionary Treatment Program –– Reviewing and making informed decisions on an in mates entry into SDTP based on the external review, SMI determination, and assignment to SDTP, as well as any other relevant documentation –– Assigning the inmate to one of the three programs –– Assigning inmates to move between SDTP sites based on • Progression within the program after completion of assignments and goals • Regression due to excessive disciplinary behav iors or unsatisfactory behavior –– Review Graduation Recommendations Programmatic overview High Security Diversionary Treatment Program (HSDTP) houses inmates who have a history of extreme violence, display severe predatory or disruptive behav iors, and routinely present with disruptive and threatening patterns and attitudes. The main treatment component is Illness Management and Recovery (IMR) by SAMSHA. IMR teaches participants how to manage their mental health symptoms, cope with stressors, identify personal recovery goals, develop relapse prevention plans, and live healthier lives. In addition, HSDTP also uses The The Secure Diversionary Treatment Program (SDTP) began at Marion Correctional and Treatment Center in January 2019.
28 — July/August 2022 Corrections Today
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