2024 ACA Nashville Program Book_154th Congress of Correction

Speakers: Cody Ginsel , Director II — Correctional Professional Development, Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Huntsville, Texas; David Yebra , Director VI — Training and Leader Development Division, Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Huntsville, Texas Addressing the Equity and Fairness of Assessments: How the National Guidelines can Transform Agencies’ Communication and Use of Post-Conviction Risk and Needs Assessments Room 202-C In partnership with the Bureau of Justice Assistance, The Council of State Governments (CSG) Justice Center worked with a group of 26 national experts to develop a set of 13 practical guidelines and a suite of practical resources that advise criminal justice agencies on prioritizing accuracy, fairness, transparency and effective communication and use of post-conviction risk and needs assessments. The guidelines permit agencies to follow a coherent set of guidelines on the development and use of risk and needs assessment and encourage testing of their instruments for accuracy and fairness across race, ethnicity and gender. This session will describe the benefits of adhering to the national guidelines, discuss summary of information received through the supplementary self-assessment tool, identify the states receiving technical assistance and their areas of priority, share trends and lessons learned and hear from panelists about specific challenges agencies have encountered, and efforts to adopt the national guidelines. Moderator: David A. D’Amora , Senior Policy Advisor, The Council of State Governments (CSG) Justice Center, New York, New York Speakers: David A. D’Amora , Senior Policy Advisor, The Council of State Governments (CSG) Justice Center, New York, New York; Carter Diers , District Supervisor, Center City District, Minnesota Department of Corrections, Minnesota

as these dynamic leaders have risen through the ranks of elite private and government organizations. Participants will hear various perspectives from tenured professionals who have not only served on the frontline, but also as executive leaders. The panelist will chronicle their career paths; share keys to development of strong leadership teams while cultivating their own leadership style; and ultimately share how they tackled challenging stagnated processes in traditional correctional systems. Moderator: Pelicia E. Hall , Esq., President, AWEC, Sr. VP, Via Path, Madison, Mississippi Speakers: Kathleen Kenney , Commissioner (retired)/Consultant, Kentucky Department of Corrections, Richmond, Kentucky; Shirley Moore Smeal , Deputy Secretary (retired)/Consultant, Pennsylvania Department of Corrections, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania; Dr. Wendy Williams , Deputy Taking the Lead When an Emergency Crisis Impacts Your Organization Room 202-B No other moment in history has experienced emergency situations at the frequency we do today. This has required organizations to shift their preparation mindset from IF something happens, to WHEN something happens. Lockdowns, weather emergencies and many other critical incidents require exceptional leadership skills because of the sheer layers to the event and the depth of the impact on teams. How prepared are you to lead your organization mentally, emotionally, physically and operationally when a crisis ensues? There are an infinite number of trainings available to the masses about how to survive emergency situations, but very little on how to LEAD pre-, during and post-critical incident. This session will focus solely on how you can prepare now to be the kind of leader every team and organization wants at a time they need you most. Moderator: Charlene Ellis , Director IV — Training and Leader Development Division, Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Huntsville, Texas Commissioner Alabama Department of Corrections, Montgomery, Alabama

Thursday, Aug. 15 ▼ 8–9:30 a.m.


76 — ACA 154 th Congress of Correction | Nashville

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