2023 ACA Philadelphia Program Book_153rd Congress of Correction
A-2E Pell Reinstatement is Here: What’s Next for Corrections? Track: ACA Resources Room 202-B Pell Grant reinstatement began on July 1, 2023. Pell reinstatement expands opportunities for people serving a criminal conviction in prison, jails and juvenile facilities by allowing them to access federal Pell Grants for the first time in 26 years. It is vital ACA members understand what next steps they may need to take at their facilities with their college partners and their accreditor, as well as other stakeholders; have a road map for success; and gain access to available resources from the Bureau of Justice Assistance, the Department of Education and the Vera Institute of Justice. Learning Objectives: • Understand how the U.S. Department of Education’s final Pell Grant reinstatement regulations provide corrections, colleges and accreditors (corrections and colleges) with an opportunity to ensure high-quality prison education programs and successful reentry efforts. • Learn from a DOC Education Director who has been working with educational partners in her state to expand postsecondary education in prison. • Learn how the Bureau of Justice Assistance, the Department of Education and the Vera Institute of Justice are moving forward with guidance and resources to help corrections and their partners implement and maintain high-quality prison education programs. Moderator: Belinda Wheeler , Senior Program Associate, Vera Institute of Justice, Washington, D.C. Speakers: Sean Addie , Director of Correctional Education, U.S. Department of Education, Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education, Washington, D.C.; Andre Bethea , Senior Policy Advisor for Corrections & Reentry, U.S. Department of Justice — Bureau of Justice Assistance, Washington, D.C.; Terri Fazio , Chief of Education, PA Department of Corrections, Forest City, Pennsylvania
A-2D A Holistic and Data-Driven Rethinking of Security Reclassification in Ohio Prisons Track: Prisons Room 202-A The allocation of appropriate security level classification for incarcerated persons is of paramount importance for correctional administrators and prison operations staff. The ODRC has a long history of using empirical data to help guide security classification decision-making within state prisons. The prior reclassification system in Ohio prisons are hampered by potential cohort effects due to changes in sentencing policies, non-relevant scoring items from various agency policy changes and an over-reliance on negative prison adjustment variables. This new project is a collaboration between researchers and prison operational staff across a six-year timespan aimed at holistically improving the entire security reclassification process in Ohio. Learning Objectives: • Understand the importance of using empirically created, validated, gender-specific and security level-specific instruments for prison security classification. • Assess the creation of a prison violence risk instrument that uses both negative and pro-social prison adjustment factors. • Identify potential workflow efficiencies and cost savings within the classification process. Moderator: Kathleen Lamb-Gilbert , Assistant Chief, Bureau of Research and Evaluation, Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction, Columbus, Ohio Speakers: Brian Kowalski , Assistant Chief, Bureau of Research and Evaluation, Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction, Columbus, Ohio; Kathleen Lamb-Gilbert , Assistant Chief, Bureau of Research and Evaluation, Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction, Columbus, Ohio
Thursday, Aug. 10 ▼ 10–11:30 a.m.
70 — ACA 153 rd Congress of Correction | Philadelphia
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