
Ask the Doc

a wellness program, the way you cre ate your personal wellness plan will change.

“I believe in you” people who will encourage you. There is no such thing as a perfect wellness plan, so don’t let perfection be the enemy of good. 3. Focus on the journey, not the destination Break obstacles into bite-sized pieces. Stuff happens in life, so don’t be afraid to adjust your wellness plan. It’s not failure – it’s smart. As a former world heavyweight boxing champion said, “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” Good luck and remember, what comes easy won’t last long, and what lasts long won’t come easy.

Dr. Dean Aufderheide is a clinical and forensic psychologist and a licensed chaplain. He is ACA’s Director of Mental Health and board certified in correctional psychology.

Small successes are self-reinforcing and will help you achieve your overall wellness goals.

2. Avoid negativity Limit your exposure to the “This sucks” people who are pessimistic and don’t take wellness seriously. Sur round yourself with the optimistic and


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Illustration: Sarah Castillo

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