ACA’s General Session
TP How did you get your start in the industry and how have you seen the industry change? RA I just wanted to be a songwriter. I wanted to record songs people could sing along with, touch them, didn’t waste their time, said something and had a good message. The way I got signed after doing the play anywhere with chicken wire crazy stuff — a friend of mine had just signed as a songwriter with Curb Music and the head of A& R (Artists and Repertoire the division of a record label or music publishing company responsible for talent scouting and overseeing the artistic development of recording artists) said you need to come down and play for him. I was sitting on his doorstep at 7am. He pulled up shaking his head saying I don’t need another singer/songwriter we already have Tim McGraw. Since you are here, you might as well sing a song for me. So I did and he stopped me halfway through and said OK I want to sign you. Record deal was done the next day. Though that was 1996, it was 2006 before I had a #1 song.
151 st Congress of Correction I just wanted to be a songwriter. I wanted to record songs people could sing along with, touch them, didn’t waste their time, said something and had a good message.
real the way he treats people around him. That’s who I model everything after. TP I know you’ve been involved in adoption causes. Tell us about it. RA Adoption. It’s amazing. I was born in Knox- ville, TN. I was surrendered as they say and taken into an orphanage in Greenville, TN called Holston Home for Children. Supposedly I was pretty sick when I was itty bitty and was adopted three times. The Lord had a plan for where I was sup- posed to wind up at. Third time was a charm, I was adopted by my Mom and Dad. Still do a lot of stuff with to advocate for Holston Home. Amazing place.
TP Who is your favorite old time country artist? RA Charlie Daniels – he’s one of the best humans I’ve ever met. Genuine. He’s just
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