ACA’s General Session
we reenter folks into society recognizing the vast majority of people in incarceration are going to get out and we have an obligation to society and to those who are getting out to constantly improve the process.” Governor Lee took the les- sons he learned from his time in the corrections environment and used them to shape important legislation.
the daily struggle faced by corrections officers as he stated: “Be encouraged, we are making a difference. You and your work and what happens in correc- tions is often very misunderstood. Before I walked into a prison for the first time and had the door close behind me with a little fear and trepidation in my heart, I had no idea of what I might find there. I soon realized there was a lot more there than most of us ever recognize. You do recognize it; you know it you are engaged in it every day and I hope your coming together will allow you to share these practices and challenge and inspire one another to move forward.” Lee concluded his remarks by saying “Because of what you do, you are part of making this country a more perfect union. I’m grateful for the work you do all across the world. Welcome to Tennessee and thank you for what you do.”
“This year, I signed the Alternative to Incarceration Act and the Success in Reentry Act and it was it was one of the proudest moments I’ve had as Governor signing these bills because of the long history and passion I have around the work you do every single day and the impact it has on our world.”
151 st Congress of Correction “I’ve met men in prison who have changed my life and when I became Governor, I decided that I would do everything I could to change the system for the better. This year, I signed the Alternative to Incarceration Act and the Success in Reentry Act and it was it was one of the proudest moments I’ve had as Governor signing these bills because of the long history and passion I have around the work you do every single day and the impact it has on our world.”
— Kirk Raymond
It’s rare for a major political figure to be able to understand the day-to-day challenges of the corrections officer. Governor Lee clearly knows
46 — November/December 2021 Corrections Today
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