

Juvenile Justice News

CJJA to issue a position on transforming juvenile justice facilities By Michael Dempsey

O ver the last several decades, juvenile justice systems throughout the United States have shifted their approach in working with youth and families in - volved in the juvenile justice system. Many state and county systems have moved away from using an adult cor - rections framework and have been transforming to more treatment-fo- cused and rehabilitative approaches for providing care and treatment for youth the youth entrusted to their care. Emerging research and data have supported these transformation efforts and given rise to improved long-term outcomes. The Council of Juvenile Justice Administrators (CJJA), formerly the Council of Juvenile Correctional Ad - ministrators, upholds that one of the primary responsibilities of juvenile justice agencies and facilities is to ensure the safety of youth, staff, and visitors. CJJA encourages jurisdic - tions to evaluate their systems and to raise the standard for service provision and continuously work to improve overall conditions of con - finement, transforming the culture,

atmosphere and environments and, reducing incidents of violence, isola - tion and the use of restraints. In order to complete the “transfor - mation process,” systems must focus on the most fundamental element

of the juvenile justice systems and reimagine the “purpose” of residen - tial juvenile justice facilities. Doing so, will create more informed, fair, just, equitable, and effective juvenile justice systems.

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