Correctional Chaplain Perspectives
surround its correctional facilities, there presently is a burgeoning interest and strong desire by our neighbors to get actively involved and make meaningful contributions in an organized fashion to the lives of those who are incarcerated. The Adopt-A-Facility model can be the vehicle to harness this good will to make transformative changes and reinvigorate principles of hu - manity and community that connect us all.” The story of how DOCCS New York and the leaders of two women’s prisons had the foresight to develop a working relationship with the surrounding community is an inspir- ing tale about finding new ways of thinking about, and creating, solu - tions to solve difficult problems. It is also a story of how compassion for the “other,” coupled with respect for the dignity of all human beings, is a powerful antidote to separation and isolation prevalent in our prison systems. The Adopt-A-Prison program is a great example of how hard work and a cooperative community spirit can lead to powerful results, including saved lives and shared joy of over - coming major challenges. As the nation struggles with the question of a new normal after COVID-19, those of us involved in prison reform and renewal should decide to reread the 2009 book “American Correction” by Todd R. Clear, a distinguished professor at John Jay College of Criminal Jus - tice. In the preface to his seminal work, and throughout the book, the author gives detailed review of the numerous different approaches to correctional systems tried out in
this country since its founding, and clearly advocates for change towards a system reflecting the human values of the 21 st century. In review, it is good to remember that back in 2015, the UN General Assembly adopted a comprehen - sive set of human rights-based rules called the “United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners,” also known as “the Mandela Rules” in honor of the late former-president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela. When we relate today’s heated social justice dialogue to our correctional system, we are reminded of the famous Mandela quote, “It is said that no one truly knows a nation until one has been inside its jails. A nation should not be judged by how it treats its highest citizens, but its lowest ones.” The successful outreach program at Bedford Hills and Taconic Cor - rectional Facilities demonstrates that engaging the surrounding commu - nity brings a myriad of benefits, the least of which is an increased mutual understanding and compassion. We believe this pilot program deserves full critical evaluation with the future potential for implementation in other parts of the country. Our preliminary findings show that the Adopt-A- Prison program builds bridges of lifegiving support and understanding needed in communities during these difficult times. Hans Hallundbaek is the director of the Interfaith Prison Partnership. Sharon Griest Ballen is the program coordinator of the Interfaith Prison Partnership and the chair of the Prison Relations Advisory Committee (PRAC) to the town of Bedford.
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