This strategic thinking may rely on a technique called objectives and key results or OKR’s. OKR processes the reliance on developing and meeting them with enhanced collaboration. While I am a big fan of performance measures and Key Performance Indicators, I believe we all need to look at building strong teams, to at continual learning to help everyone on the team master the skills now needed. I picked up this book because Marr works in his blogs on discussing digital competence more than the other competencies he discusses. Bottom-line up-front
By now you probably will not be surprised to learn I think this short book of a little more than 200 pages should be read by anyone who desires to be a leader in the 21 st century. When you are your authentic self, practicing holistic values, you will find your leadership meets and exceeds the 20 competencies described. You will develop your own brand, adapt and accept change while hopefully taking care of you. The 20 competencies Marr discusses provide a blueprint for new and older leaders alike when looking to provide skills necessary to succeed in the digital world. ♦
The 20 competencies Marr discusses provide a blueprint for new and older leaders alike when looking to provide skills necessary to succeed in the digital world.
leaders, no matter their place in the organizational hierarchy work to have people grow.
ACA Seeks Book Authors Do you have experience in corrections and the desire to inform others about what you have learned? If so, you are a potential ACA author. We are seeking corrections professionals to submit book manuscripts for review and consideration on a variety of subject matter.
Possible topics include • Ethics in corrections. • Effective mental health treatment. • Sex offender monitoring and treatment. • Financial management in corrections. • Programs for long-term offenders. • Staff training. • Greening of corrections: innovative strategies. • Preparing offenders for reentry. • Incarcerated women: reducing recidivism.
Your suggestions for books on other topics are welcome. For more information, please contact 800-222-5646, ext. 0193.
70 — May/June 2023 Corrections Today
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