responsibilities. Looking at the qualities of good collaboration the terms active listening, respectful, giving of their time, adaptable, trustworthy, motivated, team centric rather than ego centric and open to feedback. Next, let’s look at cultural intelligence and diversity consciousness. According to Marr, we need to have workplaces that do more than celebrate our many differences, we need workplaces that truly reflect the diversity of our societies. This is more than celebrating the contributions of people of a particular ethnicity or race in making our workplace a better place; it is about the respect and dignity we provide to people who are different than us and making sure they are included in decision making. Diversity is so much more than having all the different types of people at the table, it is about including them in conversations making sure all are heard. This much easier for our younger workforce than our older workforce. In fact, according to a Washington Post story of 2021, potential candidates for positions want to make certain diversity and inclusion is part of the equation of hiring. Cultural competence must be considered as well. We have been a paramilitary organization for many years and part of that paramilitary atmosphere is everyone is uniform is dress and hairstyle. Marr comments that all are going to have to make sure that we do not draw conclusionary inference because of culturally accepted hair style unless there is a legitimate safety concern. During our times of staff shortages, we need to
be reaching out to groups who have different backgrounds than most of our staffs. Treating people with respect and dignity and being able to work with all who are qualified is tantamount to working in an ethical organization.
means to be a leader today. In using Simon Sinek’s Leaders Eat Last, he paraphrases, being a leader means you are entrusted with the care and well-being of others. In our work it is not only about the staff whose behavior we are entrusted with but the offenders as well. Again, many more people must stand up in the 21 st century workplace and practice leadership; it is not just about the CEO, but about those who lead at a all levels. The leadership skills Marr articulates must be developed by all are: • Motivating Others • Recognizing and fostering potential • Inspiring Trust • Taking on and giving up responsibility • Strategic thinking and planning • Setting goals and expectations for everyone • Giving (and receiving) feedback • Team building • Positivity • Authenticity A couple of factors include not falling into the trap having people think like you. You need to not only allow but expect people to be their authentic self. Don’t let people grow into complacency, and ensure you look for high performers. In the world which hinges less on hierarchal leadership, at different times people with need to take on more responsibilities; and understand it will be part of thinking strategically. Leaders will need to take a holistic view of things rather than focusing on the here and now and this is mine. →
Diversity is so much more than having all the different types of
people at the table, it is about including them in conversations making sure all are heard. Marr spends a significant period of time discussing ethics and ethical behavior. He discusses the necessity of people when they are hired spending time reviewing what is acceptable behavior and what is not. The principles of this code should involve honesty, transparency, treating people with respect, and acting responsibility. Leaders must model ethical behavior and act as they want others to act. The organization must develop modalities for people to report unethical behavior and then hold people who acted unethically accountable. I was surprised in reading the book, that Marr spent so much time discussing skills such as diversity, cultural intelligence, ethics, and ethical behavior. The words are familiar; however, the concepts add to their meaning in the 21 st century. In a final discussion of one of Marr’s competences, discusses what it
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