Executive Office
Corrections Today wants your photos and information. Keeping with protocols, of course — social distancing, mask-wearing, testing and vaccinations when and where available — we want to see how your team celebrates NCOEW 2021. Our July/August 2021 issue will feature a recap of NCOEW activities and events, and we want everybody to know what you did. So, send us your NCOEW pho- tos for the events and activities, viral, hybrid or in-person, that show how much you care about your corrections colleagues and
physically. Besides, at the end of the day, we want the world to know there are a few more words corrections professionals would like to add to the global lexicon of the pandemic. How about:
facilities. Please follow the photo guidelines featured on the next page before submitting. The deadline to submit photos for consideration is May 15. If you have any further questions, please email Carla DeCarlo at One final word — your pictures, and your shared ex- periences, are important to us. Believe it or not, your celebra- tory images have the power to help all of us, in some way, deal better with the grip of coronavi- rus — mentally, emotionally and
Incredible Marvelous Overcomers Champions
Floyd Nelson is the director of Communications and Publications for the American Correctional Association.
Corrections Today Magazine Photo Specifications
We want your photos to appear as wonderful as pos- sible when printed in Corrections Today. Here is a guide to help you get the best quality in your printed photos. – – One of the best cameras is the one you have with you — and for most of us, that camera is your smartphone. – – Before you email us your photos, check the image size (small, medium, large, actual size). Please send us the largest version of your photo. – – Photo resolution should be 300 dpi. – – Preferred file formats: JPEGs (first choice) or PDFs. – – As a rule of thumb, if your photo is less than a megabyte, it’s too small to use. – – Small photos at 72 dpi cannot be scaled up and will appear fuzzy or pixelated.
Click here to send your NCOEW photos by May 15, 2021 to
Photo courtesy Ellis Williams, AV Specialist, Photographer
50 — March/April 2021 Corrections Today
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