
National Correctional Officers and Employees Week

National Correctional Officers and Employees Week, May 2-8, 2021 This year, your photos and submissions to Corrections Today will carry even greater significance

By Floyd Nelson

W hen a promi- States asked its readers to describe 2020 in one word or phrase, a few well-worn words came up: Unbelievable Terrible Exhausting Scary Sad But as we continue into 2021, we find there are new words and phrases popping up and being added to the global lexicon of the pandemic: Hopeful Normalcy Relief Finally Thank God nent newspaper in the United

Photo courtesy Ellis Williams, AV Specialist, Photographer

The first full week of May is dedicated to recognizing and celebrating correctional officers and employees. The observance is called the National Correctional Officers and Employees Week

(NCOEW) and thanks to former President Ronald Reagan in 1984 and Congress in 1996, the im- portant work of corrections takes center stage. And that’s where you come in.

Corrections Today March/April 2021 — 49

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