Correctional Employee Wellness Monograph

Figure 7

Findings by region Information regarding the location, size and type of agency responding to the scan divided by regions are presented in Figure 7. Region 1 There were 14 completed scans from Region 1 (20% of all respondents) with nine state and five local agency scans. State agencies are comprised of 15.7 institutions on average with 7,638 staff members. Local agencies are comprised of 3.4 institutions on average with 2,836 staff members. Of the 17 wellness program offerings queried, Region 1 provides seven programs on average with state agen- cies providing 7.6 programs and local agencies providing 6.5 programs. Region 1 has highest offerings of drug and alcohol treatment (79%) and peer support (71%), but low offerings of preventive health screens (29%), social engagement activities (14%), family (29%) and marriage (21%) counseling and family events (21%) compared to other regions. Region 1 is low in preventative health screening compared to other regions, and fewer staff well- ness programs overall are offered. More Region 1 state

agencies provide EAP (100% vs. 60%), peer support (89% vs. 40%) and have referrals to external entities (67% vs. 40%) compared to local agencies. Health education is offered in more of Regions 1’s local agencies (60%) than state agencies (33%). Health education is provided by 43% of Region 1 agencies, and staff suicide awareness (38%), stress man- agement (36%), coping skills (36%) are topics most often offered. Financial wellness is offered at a quarter of agencies, but time management is offered at only 7% of agencies, the lowest of all regions. Region 1 suicide aware- ness education is offered at least annually in all agencies and is the only region to do so. Primary oversight for staff wellness programs in Region 1 is most often the Secretary, Director or Com- missioner (46%) followed by Human Resources (31%) and a Wellness Committee (15%). State agencies are more likely to have Secretary, Director or Commission oversight (56%) compared to local agencies (25%). Local agencies are more likely to have Wellness Committee oversight (25%) compared to state agencies (11%).


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