Correctional Employee Wellness Monograph

Figure 6

“Line Item” is a funding source for more than 50% of agencies, followed by facility operations (34%) and discretionary funds (25%). Corrections agency type funding sources differ. More state agencies receive funding from grants, external sources and facil- ity operations compared to local agencies. More local agencies receive funding from a line item. Local agencies do not receive funding from grants. Figure 6 presents funding sources for each community setting . Line item is the only funding source report- ed in all community settings. Rural agencies report only two funding sources (line item and external source). Suburban agencies re-

port funding from line item, external source and employee association or union funds. Urban agencies, in addition to

line item, report support from facility operations, discre- tionary funds and employee association or union funds. →

Photos courtesy Tennessee Department of Correction, Colorado Department of Corrections and Davidson County Sheriff’s Office


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