ACA 2021 Virtual WC Program Book
Moderator: Ryan Smith, Professional Development Coordinator, American Correctional Association, Alexandria, VA Speakers: Greg Coker , Founder, Soft Skills Boot Camp- Reentry, Bowling Green, KY D-2E Deflect, Divert, Treat, and Connect: Creating a Built Environment to Support Recovery and Reduce Recidivism (CE) TRACK: Treatment The Yavapai County Criminal Justice Center in Prescott, Arizona reflects the County’s commitment to restorative justice. The new project includes a 12-bed non-custodial Behavioral Health Facility and Community Connection Center, along with in-custody housing and treatment for those in behavioral health crises and requiring medically assisted detoxification. Additionally, specialized healthcare housing affords the opportunity to stabilize detainees and actively link with community services. By creating a continuum of care for those with serious behavioral health conditions that minimizes or eliminates the justice footprint, the County expects to reduce the population with Serious Mental Illness (SMI) in the jail, and to realize substantial financial savings. Learning Objectives : 1. Participants will be able to describe the criminogenic pathways of those in behavioral health crises who access the justice system. 2. Participants will be able to articulate how a continuum of care can incorporate components of deflection, diversion, in-custody treatment, and community linkage. 3. Participants will be able to identify metrics and data- driven arguments to advocate for restorative facilities in local communities. Moderator: Ron Ecker , Project Director, Kitchell CEM, Phoenix, AZ; Speakers : Robin Timme , Psy.D, Senior Consultant, Falcon Inc., Chicago, IL ; Beya Thayer , Executive Director Yavapai Justice & Mental Health Coalition, Prescott, AZ; Gary Retel , Desing Principal DLR Group, Los Angeles, CA; David Rhodes , Sheriff, Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office, Arizona
2. Participants will be able to identify the five components of the Emergency Preparedness Cycle as developed by FEMA. 3. Participants will be able to basically discuss components of an effective juvenile facility emergency/disaster plan. Moderator: Vincent Ryan, Membership Service Representative, American Correctional Association, Alexandria, VA Speakers: Simon G. Gonsoulin , M.Ed., Principal Researcher, American Institutes for Research, Washington, D.C. D-2D A Synergistic Approach to Reentry: Staff Modeling Behaviors, Inmate Training and Community Support TRACK: Community Corrections Most Reentry programs work in a vacuum without much feedback from employers and workforce/economic development practitioners. Additionally, most Reentry programs are designed by psychologists and/or social workers with little or no experience with business/industry. Our Reentry program, The Hard Facts About Soft Skills, is designed and delivered by a 20-year veteran of business/industry, having served in executive roles with three fortune 500 companies and a three-time business best-selling author in which the Reentry program is based (Greg Coker wrote the book on Soft Skills!). So, inmates are hearing, learning THE EXACT same concepts the companies in which they will be seeking are hearing/learning! Singing off the same sheet of music!! (Business/Industry consistently report the lack of Soft Skills is one of the biggest challenges in finding “work- ready” employees). Learning Objectives: 1. Participants will have a better understanding of the importance of first training Correctional Officers in the concepts in which inmates must demonstrate to prospective employers in order to gain employment. 2. Participants will have a better understanding of how these exact same Reentry concepts will assist their correctional facility be a more effective organization. 3. Participants will better understand why inmates will not gain employment post Reentry if they can’t/don’t demonstrate what employers are saying are the most important and greatly lacking, the Soft Skills. 4. Participants will better understand if the local community is not engaged in and supportive of Reentry and inmate support, recidivism will increase.
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