ACA 2021 Virtual WC Program Book
Saturday, February 6, 2021 10:30 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. EST
D-1B Adult Local Detention Facilities Performance Standards and Expected Practices: 2021 Updates and What You Need to Know Track: Jails This workshop will provide a review of the new expected practices to the Adult Local Detention facilities accreditation manuals to be published in 2021. A review of what performance-based standards and expected practices are applicable to the accreditation process will be provided, with the focus on restrictive housing. Learning Objectives : 1. Review the new expected practices for adult local detention facilities 2. Understand the applicability of these expected practices in the accreditation process 3. Review the restrictive housing expected practices of local detention facilities Moderator: Delilah Tsipliareles , Standard & Accreditation Specialist, Standards and Accreditation, American Correctional Association, Alexandria, Virginia Speakers: David Haasenritter , Director, Standards and Accreditation, American Correctional Association, Alexandria, Virginia; Marsha Travis , Director of Standards, Davidson County Sheriff’s Office, Nashville, TN D-1C How to Operationalize Restorative Justice Practices Within a Detention Setting & Using Data to Improve Facility TRACK: Juveniles Restorative Justice Practices has had a significant impact on the way juvenile justice professionals and agencies approach/view Juvenile Delinquency throughout the country. More specifically the way Facility Administrators, Managers and direct care staff respond to critical incidents. As we have seen the shift from the traditional approach to managing conflict to a focus on restoring the harm caused by the individual in efforts to
D-1A What Stories Do the Numbers Tell? Putting PREA Audits and Implementation Efforts into Context TRACK: Prisons More than 6,000 PREA audits have been completed since August 2013 and audit data is painting an informative picture of the audit landscape. Join this session to learn what the data tells us about implementation, compliance, and the positive changes to improve sexual safety in confinement that corrections professionals have made in the last 7 years. The presenters will share tools that confinement agencies can use to manage their records, based on the results of a recent survey distributed to practitioners about their systems for tracking PREA- related data. Learn directly from the Pennsylvania DOC about how they use robust internal data management systems to support PREA implementation and facilitate a smooth auditing process. Learning Objectives: 1. Identify key trends and understand the landscape of PREA auditing to date. 2. Understand tips and tools for PREA data collection and retention in your prison. 3. Illustrate how good internal reporting systems can help support PREA implementation and provide a strong foundation for agencies’ and facilities’ demonstration of their compliance in practice when it comes time for an audit. Moderator: Mika Weinstein , Program Manager, National PREA Resource Center, Washington, DC Speakers: Scott Catey , Associate Director, National PREA Resource Center, Washington, DC; David Radziewicz , PREA Coordinator, Pennsylvania Department of Corrections, Mechanicsburg, PA
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