ACA 2021 Virtual WC Program Book
A-1E Emergency Management in Correctional Setting – Lessons Learned from Large Scale Emergencies TRACK: Security The unique nature of corrections emergency management demands optimal use of limited resources, especially when unforeseen circumstances arise such as natural disasters. All correctional entities need to respond to both routine and serious incidents in a consistent and confident manner, which must be undertaken while ensuring the safety of the public, staff, inmate population and institutional infrastructure. This workshop will cover some of the lessons learned and preparation steps that can be taken during emergency events in order to minimize collateral damages resulting from high impact emergencies/disasters. We will discuss an overview of the Florida Department of Corrections Emergency 1. Participants will be able to apply best practices and strategies to quickly respond to emergencies impacting their respective agencies 2. Preserve the key correctional priorities of protecting the public, staff and offenders. 3. Attend to extreme impacts to institutional infrastructure. Moderator: Richard Comerford, Assistant Deputy Secretary Institutions, Florida Department of Corrections, Tallahassee, Florida Speakers: Thomas Reimers, Assistant Secretary of Health Services, Florida Department of Corrections, Tallahassee, Florida; Hope Gartman, Director of Institutional Operations and Intelligence, Florida Department of Corrections, Tallahassee, Florida; Daiquiri Duncan, Warden, Tomoka Correctional Institutions; Todd Sharpe, Assistant Bureau Chief, Security Operations, Florida Department of Corrections, Tallahassee, Florida Management system and response plans. Objectives: By the end of the workshop,
Learning Objectives : 1. Participants will be able to identify and utilize PPE usage strategies within correctional facilities. 2. Participants will be able to develop a strategic plan to institute cohorting of offenders based on exposure and known positive cases. 3. Participants will be able to utilize facility zone deployment strategies including PPE use, isolation practices, and staff placement to mitigate cross contamination of a facility. Speakers : Steven Herrick , Ph.D., M.S.H.A. Director of Health Services, Virginia Department of Corrections, Richmond, VA; Rachel Provau , MSNA, Chief Nurse, Virginia Department of Corrections. Richmond, VA; Cynthia Lester , BSN, DON Marion Correctional Treatment Center, Virginia Department of Corrections, Richmond, VA; Angelia Brennan , A.D.N., Epidemiology Lead, Virginia Department of Corrections, Richmond, VA A-1D Dental Intake Assessments Expected Practice Updates (CE, CERP) TRACK: Dental Community standards of care for dental services begins at intake. An adequate assessment for dentistry is critical. In this session, a step-by-step explanation of how the offenders coming into the Texas Department of Criminal Justice system are processed for the Dental Assessment will be delivered. This will include an explanation of the pertinent principles for intake assessments and how those correlates to various levels of care. Learning Objectives : 1. Participants will be able to identify the pertinent principles for dental in-processing assessments. 2. Participants will be able to describe how those principles are applicable and related to levels of care. 3. Participants will analyze the pitfalls of exceptions that correlates to various levels of care. Moderator: Cecil N. Wood , Jr., D.D.S., M.S., CHC Managing Dental Director, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Texas Speakers : Manuel B Hirsch , B.S., MEd, D.D.S., Texas Department Criminal Justice, Huntsville, TX;
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