2024 American Correctional Association Election Booklet


Delegate Assembly

Diane Good-Collins (NE) Director 180 Re-entry Assistance Program (180 RAP) Metropolitan Community College

Diane Good-Collins began her formal education while incarcerated at Nebraska Correctional Center for Women. When released in 2003, Good-Collins continued her studies and began her 21 year career at Metropolitan Community College (MCC). Good-Collins has worked in various areas of student and academic affairs and managed one of MCC’s neighborhood locations. Since 2015, Good-Collins has been the Director of Metropolitan Community College 180 Re-entry Assistance Program (180 RAP). Good-Collins is a member of the American Correctional Association (ACA) Delegate Assembly, the Nebraska Coordinated Re-entry Initiatives Workgroup and the University of Nebraska Medicine Institutional Review Board.

Christie Haney (TX) Executive Director Correctional Management Institute of Texas (CMIT)

Christie Haney served as the Correctional Management Institute’s Assistant Director and has been with CMIT since its inception in 1994. Haney is currently the Executive Director of the Cor rectional Management Institute of Texas (CMIT). Haney holds a BBA and a MBA, both from Sam Houston State University. She is a member of ACA, AJA, APPA, AWEC, and ICJA. She has served as Executive Director of numerous professional associations and national boards.

Cheryl Taylor (OH) Chief Officer of Prison Education and Returning Citizen Initiative Sinclair Community College

Cheryl Taylor has nearly 30 years of experience in law enforcement and higher education. Since 2012, she has served as Chief Officer of Prison Education and Returning Citizen Initiative at Sin clair Community College. Taylor also serves on the Montgomery County Reentry Executive Board and as Chair of the Ohio Penal Education Consortium. Taylor holds a master’s degree in Applied Behavioral Science from Wright State University and a bachelor’s degree in Criminology from Capi tal University. Taylor is also a a member of the ACA Delegate Assembly for Higher Education.

David L. Thomas (FL) Professor Nova Southeastern University

David L. Thomas MD, JD, EDD worked in the Florida Department of Corrections for nine years rising from institutional physician to assistant secretary for health, a position he held for seven years. Thomas has recently retired as full-time professor and chair at Nova Southeastern University and remains active as a part-time professor teaching in the Correctional Medicine Fellowship. He also teaches medico-legal jurisprudence in the medical school as well as correctional health care. Thomas has served the ACA on the Commission on Accreditation for Corrections and for two of his six years was chairman of that body. He has been on the ACA Board of Governors and for two years was on the ACA executive committee.


2024 ACA Election

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