2024 American Correctional Association Election Booklet


Delegate Assembly

Trinity Divine Minter (TN) Correctional Administrator Tennessee Department of Correction

Trinity Divine Minter began career with Corrections Corporation of America as a Correctional Officer in July 1998. In August 2014, Minter became a Warden with the Tennessee Department of Correction with oversight of a female correctional facility. In December 2019, Minter was appointed as Correctional Administrator for the West Tennessee region managing CoreCivic facilities in West and Middle Tennessee. Minter is a graduate of Union University with a master’s degree in Social Work and is a graduate of Lane College with a bachelor’s degree in Sociology and is currently enrolled in Capella University obtaining a doctoral degree in Human Services with a focus on Organizational Leadership. Minter holds a certification in Correctional Behavioral Health and facilitates the course alongside representatives from the American Correctional Association.

Jay Sanders (GA) Assistant Commissioner Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC)

Jay Sanders began his career in 1992 as a Probation Officer. Sanders worked as a Regional Training Coordinator, Hearing Officer, Public Safety Training Instructor, Special Assistant to the Director of Probation Operations and Deputy Director for the Governor’s Office of Transition, Support and Reentry. In his current role, Sanders oversees all academic, vocational, cognitive programming, chaplaincy, and reentry services. Sanders received a bachelor’s degree in Criminal

Justice from Pensacola Christian College and a master’s degree in Social Administration from Georgia Southwestern State University. In 2013, Sanders was appointed to the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC) and served on the CJCC until 2019. Sanders has served on the Juvenile Justice Statewide Advisory Committee since 2015.

Delegate Assembly — Institutions (Juvenile) (2 Positions)

Jeffrey Bright (GA) Director of Compliance Management Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice

Dr. Jeffrey Bright began his career as a Youth Development Worker at the Savannah RYDC with the Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice on December 1, 1994. Bright has worked in various lead ership positions within the Division of Secure Facilities and the Division of Community Services of the Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice, Georgia Department of Corrections, State Board of Pardons and Paroles, and the Technical College System of Georgia. Bright currently serves as the Director of Compliance Management for the Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice. Bright holds a Doctor of Educa tion (Educational Leadership) from Argosy University-Atlanta Campus, a master’s degree in Public Administration from Troy University, and an Educational Specialist Degree and bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice from Savannah State University. Bright is a Juvenile Sexual Offender Certified Counselor (JSOCC) and a Certified American Correc tional Association-(ACA) Auditor. Dr. Bright served on the Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice Offender Reentry Framework Strategic Committee (2014).


2024 ACA Election

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