2023 ACA Philadelphia Program Book_153rd Congress of Correction
C-3E How Successful Partnerships between Higher Education Institutions and Departments of Corrections Can Reduce Recidivism and Infractions in Prisons Track: Prisons Room 202-B Studies show prison education programs (PEP) not only benefit the incarcerated, but they also transform the prison community. There is a 43% reduction in recidivism among parolees who participate in a PEP and a 13% increase in post-release employment. Education also reduces misconduct incidents by 70% and improves the safety and culture of prisons. The Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services has a long-standing relationship with Goucher College’s Prison Education Program, a Second Chance Pell recipient, which has positively affected both the student and incarcerated population as a whole, inside and outside the fence. This session will discuss how to create these partnerships and ensure their success. Learning Objectives: • Learn to create lasting partnerships between higher education institutions and DOCs that reduces infractions and improves the recidivism rate. • Learn how Maryland navigated the pitfalls and successes of technology use in education programs behind the fence before, during and after COVID-19. • Learn how to create an MOU with institutions providing prison education programs utilizing newly reinstated Pell funding to your advantage. Moderator: Danielle Cox , M.Ed., Director of Education, Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services, Baltimore, Maryland Speaker: Eliza Cornejo , Executive Director, Goucher College Prison Education Partnership, Baltimore, Maryland
Administrator, Procurement, Monitoring and Compliance Division, Michigan Department of Corrections, Lansing, Michigan C-3D Reestablishing a Positive PREA Culture: A Great Time to Reset and Refocus on Sexual Safety With 2023 marking the 20 th year since the passage of the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA), correctional leaders at all levels have an opportunity to reset and refocus our commitment to sexual safety by reestablishing a culture that supports prevention, detection and response to sexual abuse and harassment. Presenters from PRC & TMG will discuss the vital importance of agency culture and its intersection with meeting the goals and requirements of PREA and also share examples of best practices in PREA implementation including how to establish a strong reporting culture, the value of building relationships with external advocates, the importance of leadership support for PREA Coordinators and PREA Compliance Managers and other strategies. Learning Objectives: • Identify emerging challenges and examples in their current work. • Describe the importance of agency culture and the role that attention to culture plays in successful PREA implementation. • Evaluate their policies and protocols against best practice strategies such as establishing a strong reporting culture and others that have developed during the implementation of the PREA Standards nationally. Moderator: Dana Shoenberg , Director, National PREA Resource Center, Washington, D.C. Speakers: Phebia Moreland , Program Director, National PREA Resource Center (PRC), Atlanta, Georgia; Andie Moss , Founder and President, The Moss Group, Inc., Washington, D.C. Track: Jails Room 202-A
Saturday, Aug. 12 ▼ 2–3:30 p.m.
ACA 153 rd Congress of Correction | Philadelphia — 133
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