Perf-Based Stds, Adult Corr. Inst. 5th ed March 2021
Property inventory control, 5-ACI-1B-13
Probation for employees term of, 5-ACI-1C-12 termination during, 5-ACI-1C-12 Problem solving, training in youthful offender unit, 5-ACI-5B-18 Professional liability requirements personnel policy manual, 5-ACI-1C-01 Professional organizations training and resources from, 5-ACI-1D-07
protection from harm, 5-ACI-3D-08 protection of others, 5-ACI-3A-35 Prostheses and orthodontic devices, 5-ACI-6A-40 Protection from harm written policy and procedures, 5-ACI-3D-08 Protection of others, 5-ACI-3A-35 Protective custody. See special management inmates Provisional appointments for emergencies, 5-ACI-1C-13 Psychiatric purposes restraints, 5-ACI-6C-13 Psychiatric services disability discrimination prohibited, 5-ACI-5E-02 Psychiatric treatment mental health appraisal, 5-ACI-6A-32 mental health screen, 5-ACI-4B-28 Psychological evaluation admission procedure, 5-ACI-5A-02 for therapeutic purpose, 5-ACI-6A-33 Psychological services disability discrimination prohibited, 5-ACI-5E-02 Psychosis symptoms mental health screen, 5-ACI-4B-28 Psychotherapy review mental health appraisal, 5-ACI-6A-32 Psychotropic medication Public. See Community Public address system communication center monitors, 5-ACI-3A-02 Public employee blanket bond insurance for institution, 5-ACI-1B-17 Public health authority communicable disease and infection control, 5-ACI-6A-12 Public information interaction with public and media, 5-ACI-1A-22 legislative requests, 5-ACI-1A-21 policies and procedures manual, 5-ACI-1A-12 Public lobby space for, 5-ACI-2F-01 Public works inmate work, 5-ACI-7A-04 Publications inmate produced, 5-ACI-7C-06 restriction to access, 5-ACI-7D-04 Purchasing supplies and equipment, 5-ACI-1B-14 involuntary administration, 5-ACI-6C-08 mental health appraisal, 5-ACI-6A-32 mental health screen, 5-ACI-4B-28
Professional services from volunteers, 5-ACI-1G-04 Professional specialist employees training hours, 5-ACI-1D-14 Professional staff space for, 5-ACI-2F-01 Program and service areas, 5-ACI-2E-01, 5-ACI-2E-12 classrooms, 5-ACI-2E-04 clothing and supplies, 5-ACI-2E-09 commissary/canteen, 5-ACI-2E-12 dining, 5-ACI-2E-05 exercise and recreation, 5-ACI-2E-01, 5-ACI-2E-02 food service, 5-ACI-2E-05, 5-ACI-2E-07 housekeeping, 5-ACI-2E-08 mechanical equipment, 5-ACI-2E-11 personal property, 5-ACI-2E-10 space for youthful offenders, 5-ACI-5B-16 visiting, 5-ACI-2E-03 youthful offenders not mix with adults, 5-ACI-5B-17 Programs and services, 5-ACI-7A-01, 5-ACI-7D-02 academic and vocational education, 5-ACI-7B-01, 5-ACI-7C-06 disability discrimination prohibited, 5-ACI-5E-02 equal opportunity, 5-ACI-3D-04, 5-ACI-3D-05 evaluation of, 5-ACI-1F-12 health appraisal requirements for participation, 5-ACI-6A-25 information on at reception, 5-ACI-5A-03 inmate population needs, 5-ACI-5E-04 library, 5-ACI-7D-01, 5-ACI-7D-07 mail, telephone, and visiting, 5-ACI-7D-01, 5-ACI-7D-22 mental health screening, 5-ACI-6A-32 mission statement of institution, 5-ACI-1A-01, 5-ACI- 1A-02 monitoring and assessment of, 5-ACI-1A-16
program assignments mandatory for inmates, 5-ACI-7A-02 program coordination and supervision by social service coordinator, 5-ACI-5E-06 religious programs, 5-ACI-7F-01, 5-ACI-7F-08
for special needs inmates, 5-ACI-6C-06 summary admission report, 5-ACI-5A-02 work and correctional industries, 5-ACI-7A-01, 5-ACI-7A-16 Promotion disability accommodation, 5-ACI-1C-07 lateral entry, 5-ACI-1C-11 personnel policy manual, 5-ACI-1C-01 from within, 5-ACI-1C-11
336 Adult Correctional Institutions, Fifth Edition
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