Perf-Based Stds, Adult Corr. Inst. 5th ed March 2021

Part 6: Healthcare

Volunteers 5-ACI-6B-10 (Ref. 4-4391)

If volunteers are used in the delivery of health care, there is a documented system for selection, training, staff supervision, facility orientation, and a defi- nition of tasks, responsibilities, and authority that is approved by the health authority. Volunteers may only perform duties consistent with their creden- tials and training. Volunteers agree in writing to abide by all facility policies, including those relating to the security and confidentiality of information.

Comment : Facility orientation should include topics such as: fire, safety, security, and contraband.

Protocols : Written policy and procedure.

Process Indicators : Signed volunteer agreement forms. Observation. Volunteer in- terviews.

Students and/or Interns 5-ACI-6B-11 (Ref. 4-4392)

Any students, interns, or residents delivering health care in the facility, as part of a formal training program, work under staff supervision, commensurate with their level of training. There is a written agreement between the facility and training, or educational facility that covers the scope of work, length of agreement, and any legal or liability issues. Students or interns agree in writ- ing to abide by all facility policies, including those relating to the security and confidentiality of information.

Comment : None.

Protocols : Written policy and procedure. Written agreement.

Process Indicators : Signed agreements and contracts. Observation. Interviews.

Offender Assistants 5-ACI-6B-12 (Ref. 4-4393)

Unless prohibited by state law, offenders (under staff supervision) may per- form familial duties commensurate with their level of training. These duties may include: • providing peer support and education • performing hospice activities • assisting impaired offenders on a one-on-one basis with activities of daily living • serving as a suicide companion or buddy if qualified and trained through a formal program that is part of suicide-prevention plan

200 Adult Correctional Institutions, Fifth Edition

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