
2022 Election

Board of Governors

Joe Winkler (FL) Assistant Secretary of Community Corrections Florida Department of Corrections

Joe Winkler started with the Florida Department of Corrections in 2001 as a probation officer. Winkler has served in multiple roles holding every certified position and is currently the Assistant Secretary of Community Corrections with the Florida Department of Corrections. Winkler has served on the American Correctional Association Parole and Probation Committee, Community Corrections Committee and Professional Development Committee. Winkler also serves on the Board of Directors with the Florida Association of Community Corrections, is the Florida Commissioner of Interstate Compact and is the Florida Representative with the American Probation and Parole Association.

8. Probation (1 Position)

Stephanie MacDonald (VA) Chief Probation and Parole Officer Virginia Department of Corrections

Stephanie MacDonald began her career with the Virginia Department of Corrections as a Surveil lance Officer in July 2000. MacDonald was named as a Probation Officer in July 2001. In August 2009, MacDonald became an Intensive Probation Officer and in October 2012, she was moved to Deputy Chief Probation Officer. MacDonald ascended to her current role as Chief Probation Of ficer in Culpeper, VA in August 2016. MacDonald received a Bachelor of Science Degree, major in Psychology; minor in Criminal Justice from Radford University in 1999. MacDonald completed the ACA Leadership Development for the Corrections Professional (LEAD) in November 2014 and is a Certified Corrections Manager. She has served on the Board of the Virginia Probation and Parole Association since 2003, as a representative, APPAAffiliate, Vice President, and President. Currently, she serves as the President-Elect.

Susan Siedentop (TN) Correctional Administrator Tennessee Department of Correction

Susan Siedentop began her career as a case carrying officer and later as a Probation and Parole Manager. Since 2016, Siedentop has provided statewide oversight of Specialized Programs for the Tennessee Department of Correction Community Supervision and is the Presiding Officer of the Tennessee Sex Offender Treatment Board. Siedentop has a master’s degree in Social Work and is an LCSW in TN and IL. She has worked in TN as a sex offender subject matter expert for the state. Sie dentop is currently the secretary for the ACA Probation & Parole committee and the subcommittee’s remote work and technology lead. Additionally, Siedentop is the area representative for APPA.

48 — September/October 2022 Corrections Today

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