
From Jim’s Desk nEWS&vIEWS

Winter in Phoenix

H aving completed the 151 st Congress of Correction in Nashville, Tennessee, we have made several decisions for our upcoming 2022 Winter Conference. The Congress was a success by most measures including attendance and our training sessions. Both Plenary Sessions had standing room only, with many attendees doing just that, standing for the entire 90 minutes. Our tentative plans for Phoenix, Arizona, where our next conference is scheduled, is to make our sessions available electronically for those who cannot attend in person. We do not plan to pre-record any training tracks, only to make live sessions available for a period of time follow- ing the conference by recording the live session. We are contemplating special- ized training pre-conference for certain disciplines. Those specialized training blocks would likely be on Wednesday, the day before the actual Winter Conference begins. Examples of this training may include “use

of separation in juvenile justice”, and “auditor chair training” as possibilities. The 2022 Winter Conference begins on January 6 in downtown Phoenix, Arizona. Make plans early to attend, we filled our hotel room blocks quickly in Nashville, so be prepared to book your rooms as soon as possible. “Stay safe” has become a watch word in our country since COVID-19 became a reality. If you

haven’t already done so, please get vaccinated, the FDA has approved several vaccines already and others will certainly be approved. In the meantime, enjoy your fall season, and “stay safe”!

James A. Gondles Jr., CAE ACA Executive Director

6 — September/October 2021 Corrections Today

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