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A M E R I C A N C O R R E C T I O N A L A S S O C I A T I O N 2 0 2 0 W I N T E R C O N F E R E N C E • J A N U A R Y 9 – 1 4
ACA’s Program Book goes digital
By Robert Breckenridge II and Molly Law, M.A.
S ince its inception in 1870, the American Correctional Association has been at the forefront of improving processes and standards so that the correctional field is safer and more efficient. Each year at the Winter Conference and Congress of Correction, corrections professionals from across the country, and now from around the globe, meet to network, becoming more informed on the world of corrections from the multiple workshops and sessions available. ACA’s Planning Guide and Program Book are the best ways to plan accordingly for the conference, with a chance to look at the tentative schedule of events, as well as view all the speakers, workshops, sessions and opportunities for continuing education credits. After making the planning guide available online, ACA is taking another big step forward in creating a seamless and intuitive experience for our confer- ence-goers by transitioning our program book from print to a digital-only format available on our website for desktop and mobile use along with our ACA Conference App. We are very excited for this transition, and we hope that conference-goers take advantage of the multiple benefits that come with having a digital program book. As opposed to waiting until the first day of the conference to receive a hard copy of the program book, attendees will be able to view it, in its entirety, before the confer- ence starts. Updates will be posted frequently leading up to each conference, so attendees will be up to date with any last-minute changes. The ability to view all that ACA conferences have to offer from the comfort of one’s own home, will surely motivate anyone who is still on the fence to attend!
The San Diego Winter Conference Program Book will be all digital!
Conference-goers at the 149 th Congress of Correction were able to take advantage of our digital program book.
Digital devices: istock/mikimad; background: istock/aleksandarvelasevic
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