Correctional Chaplain Perspectives
released from prison recidivate at less than 3%, and 2.) RTA alumni have an outstanding record of suc cess in the community, working in law, social service, as advocates, activists, entrepreneurs, academics and much more. Family relation ships strengthen and RTA alumni are active in their communities, whether getting out the vote, keeping children away from gangs or reading poetry in local events. Through artistic expression and an intensive community model, the RTA program builds critical life skills such as communication, col laboration, problem-solving, goal setting, confidence, and discipline. Reimaging Myself, a reentry toolkit — coming home and staying home After decades of working with the currently and formerly incar cerated, we saw that many people transitioning from prison were caught unprepared for the social and emotional challenges of reentry — even those with a polished resume, vocational training, family, and other resources to support them. Incar cerated people released after long sentences are typically demoralized, institutionalized, and stigmatized. We wonder not how 60% of people released from prison return within 3 years, but how 40% make it. Prison habits of survival are hard to unlearn. How do you become vul nerable and ask for help when asking for prison is inherently dangerous, how do you find your place in a fam ily that has learned to live without you, create a schedule after the rigid structure of prison, present a positive
“From this course I have learned so much stuff that we in prison do not think about. It has opened my mind and eyes to what I have to work through in the healthiest manner” — Reimagining Myself Program Participant, NYS prison
image of yourself when branded with the stigma of incarceration, or catch up with technology that your 8-year old nephew can effortlessly navigate? These questions established the basis of the Reimagining Myself Re entry Program, which was informed entirely by formerly incarcerated people with what they wished they knew before release.
Through a 20-session workshop, original narrative and interview films, participant handbook and facilitator guide, Reimagining My self provides hands-on, experiential opportunities for participants to look within themselves to discover their strengths and potential while ac knowledging their individual triggers and foreseeing the pitfalls that may await them. →
Photo courtesy Charles Moore
Reimagining Myself Program participants.
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