Fielden, Nathan Gillard, Christopher Hill, Brenda Myers TEXAS — Andrea Bode, Jason Clark, Ruby Davis, Vanessa Dotson, Carey Green, Carlton (CF) Hazlewood Jr., Amanda Hernandez, Edwardo Jackson, Raymond Lomelo, Kelly Strong, Clint Widner
Hughes, Doris Moseley, Bryce Peterson, Rickye Rice, Anthony Shephard, Sarah Viera, Washington, Hanan Al-Zubaidy WISCONSIN — Theodore Anderson, Brandon Bantleon, Eric Barber, Angie Barcenas, Cindy Barter, Desiree Ciokiewicz, Lori Coonen, Sheila Corroo, Michelle DeBoer, Kyle Ebel, Tyler Eldridge, Heather Eslinger, Bradley Everson, Justin Feltz, Tara Fink, Chuck Giese, Sean Hart, Brooke Heusel, Dan Huneke, Kelly Kempinski, Sara
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Koenig, Carol Kopp, Terra Lindberg, Ashley Lueck, Kenya Mason, Kristin Merss, Bailey Miller, Brad Mlodzik, Matthew Mutiva, Kristen Pawlak, Richardson Paye, Joseph Place, Annemarie
Quiles, Chris Reetz, Tina Rennebohm, Lukas Robertson, Mary Sangasy, Amy Schwab, Margaret Schyvinch, Zach Sir, Jeffrey Sullivan, Jeff Suprenand, Rebecca Tervonen, Angela Thompson, Callie Ziegler ♦
UTAH — Andrew Flatt, Michael Petrogeorge
VIRGINIA — Melissa Andrewjeski, Jeneva Cotton, Jeffrey Dillman, Jason Doll, Jeff Gepner, Cynthia
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