Host Committee
Karla Beck Director of Reentry and Programming Lafourche Parish Sheriff’s Office, Correctional Complex Thibodaux, LA
Jerry Hebert President Grace Hebert Curtis Architects Baton Rouge, LA
Michael Ranatza Executive Director Louisiana Sheriff ’s Association Baton Rouge, LA
Susan Hutson (Co-Chair) Sheriff Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Office New Orleans, LA James M. LeBlanc (Co-Chair) Secretary Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections Baton Rouge, LA Mary L. Livers, Ph.D. ACA Past President Livers Corrections Consulting Baton Rouge, LA Joseph Lopinto, III Sheriff Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office Harvey, LA Deron Patin Director of Emergency Preparedness Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections Baton Rouge, LA
William A. Sommers, Sr. (Co-Chair) Office of Juvenile Justice Services Baton Rouge, LA
Darryl Campbell Deputy Warden LA/DOC Elayn Hunt Correctional Center St. Gabriel, LA
Richard L Stalder ACA Past President Zachary, LA
Colbie Chauvin Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections Baton Rouge, LA
Gerald Turlich, Jr. Sheriff Plaquemines Parish Sheriff ‘s Office Belle Chasse, LA Craig Webre (Co-Chair) Sheriff Lafourche Sheriff’s Office Thibodaux, LA Angela M. Whittaker, CCM, CCE Executive Management Advisor Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections Baton Rouge, LA
Logan Coulon Special Affairs Director Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office Harvey, LA
Cortrell Davis Major
Corrections Department Head-Warden, Lafourche
Sheriff’s Office Thibodaux, LA
Jessica Davis Warden Lafourche Sheriff’s Office Thibodaux, LA
Thank you for all of your support! We appreciate all of your hard work.
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