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gestures, exhibitionist masturbation, unwelcome physical contact or threats and/or attempted or actual sexual assault. Historically, the topic of inmate perpetrated harassment has been commonly observed as a standard or normality within the corrections experience. Over the last decade, challenges to the acceptance of inmate perpetrated harassment within prison and jail settings have been observed. In fact, a Florida-based class action lawsuit concerning the occurrence of like harassment within a federal corrections environment resulted in the largest financial settlement in a class-action sexual harassment suit in American history. This lawsuit, and others like it have shed light on this critical topic and challenged corrections leaders to review policy and practice associated with inmate perpetrated harassment. This book responds to this issue with its comprehensive review of inmate perpetrated harassment in the corrections settings. Topics covered include complete and detailed discussions on recent research and litigation associated with inmate perpetrated harassment, as well as an in-depth consideration of the common labeling and cultural translations of the topic that exist within the field of corrections. What sets this book apart is its examination of inmate perpetrated harassment from multiple professional perspectives. Utilizing both historical and contemporary examples, the book profiles interesting and

applicable examples of the issue from numerous viewpoints, including corrections officers and supervisors, corrections executives and legal professionals. Despite the controversial context of this writing, the authors focus on the presentation of personal experiences, resulting in an interesting and sincere read. A great example of this is present in chapter 1 where the author explores the impact of inmate perpetrated harassment upon the individual female corrections employee through detailed interview excerpts with past and present female prison staff. The richness of the content provides readers with a viewpoint that has historically been withheld due to personally and professional held biases. The transparency present in the rich and detailed quotes provided by corrections staff and leadership elevates this book to a new level in current criminal justice publications. Despite the controversial context of this writing, the authors focus on the presentation of personal experiences, resulting in an interesting and sincere read. This book also presents widely useful tools for contemporary corrections professionals. Detailed

Management of Inmate Perpetrated Harassment Susan Jones & Sarah Billingsley Chapman, Police and Fire Publishing, LLC, 2020, 261 pp. Reviewed By Katy Cathcart, Senior Instructor, School of Public Affairs, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs The changing trends in corrections management present a continuous challenge to leadership. Radical shifts from custodial to rehabilitative practice can be observed in corrections environments worldwide. However, there exist managerial issues that are so rooted in corrections culture they are often overlooked in contemporary conversations concerning prison management. An example of this is inmate perpetrated harassment. Experts define inmate perpetrated harassment as sexually abusive and/or harassing behaviors inmates direct toward employees, including such behaviors as verbal abuse or harassment of a sexual nature, sexually abusive or harassing

72 — November/December 2021 Corrections Today

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