inmates with the opportunity to enroll soon after they enter prison as opposed to within their last year. Enrolling into reentry programming toward the end of a sentence is often too late to assist individuals who have been incar- cerated for years and may need additional time to prepare for the outside world. On the outside, several other initiatives have begun to take shape to address these issues, including expand- ing the federal hiring of formerly incarcerated persons by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and limit - ing mandatory and indefinite collateral consequences to promote fair, consistent and transparent application of discretionary consequences (Justice Center, 2021). With cities across the United States seeing increases in violent crime, particularly gun violence in the past year, the Biden Administration and their five-point proposal is only the beginning of what should be an exhaustive list of initiatives that must be implemented to address crime. This however will require an “all hands-on deck” approach that includes the buy in of prison officials, probation officers, judges, reentry centers, practitioners, reentry specialists and law enforcement. Public safety is a community responsibility that involves providing justice involved individuals the opportunity to be successful on the outside. This not only is a benefit to them, but also a benefit to our community, economy and public safety. Resources Bensel, T & Craw, M. (2018). Neighborhood is Key Factor in Recidivism Rates for Ex-Offenders in Arkansas. University of Arkansas Little Rock. Retrieved from offenders-arkansas/ Bischoff, L. (2021, May 31st). Nearly 1 in 3 go back to Ohio Prisons. The Columbus Dispatch. sees-steady-climb-prison-recidivism-rate/5143605001/ Brown, T. (2021, June 21st). South Carolina: Darlington County prison camp inmate schooling fellow inmates on lucrative career. ABC15 News. https:// inmates-on-lucrative-career Bucknor, C. & Barber, A. (2016). Center for Economic and Policy Research. “ The Price We Pay: Economic Costs of Barriers to Employment for Former Prisoners and People Convicted of Felonies”. we-pay-economic-costs-of-barriers-to-employment-for-former-prisoners-and- people-convicted-of-felonies/ Doleac, J. (2018). Strategies to Productively Reincorporate the Formerly Incarcerated into Communities: A Review of the Literature. I Z An Institute of Labor Economics. Retrieved from Edosomwan, E., & Baab, K. (2011, Decem ber). Rural reentry: Housing options and obstacles for ex-offenders, Washington, DC: HUD
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Dr. Terrance Hinton serves as a lecturer within the Sociology Department at The Ohio State University, as well as a reentry consultant at Medlin Workforce & Reentry Solutions LLC.
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