Health & Wellness Expo
For the health of it! ACA promotes staff wellness and living mindfully at the Health and Wellness Expo
C orrectional staff wellness continues to be of the utmost importance in the field. At each conference, the Staff Wellness Committee, through careful planning and execution, further invest in the wellbeing of corrections professionals at the Health and Wellness Expo. Conference attendees came in droves to the expo, which opened Saturday morning, Aug. 3, at the John B. Hynes Veterans Memorial Convention Center. Both informative and fun, the expo featured a multitude of different exhibits for conference-goers to visit. Pamphlets and displays on healthier living and eating choices were displayed throughout the room, with topics varying from choosing whole grains, understanding food labels, making a healthy plate and steps to overall mindful eating. Along with the abundance of information available to attendees, free health screenings were also offered. For those who wanted to take a rest from the overall excitement of the conference, a massage station was available, and for those who looked for activity, the expo had many options; from a Wii-Fit console to fitness competitions, and for those just looking for fun, a giant Jenga game was available as well. The Health and Wellness Expo offered attendees the chance to win several prizes through their daily raffle, including a balance ball chair and a pair of Provata VR goggles. Always a confer- ence-goer favorite, the Health and Wellness Expo offered a variety of ways for correctional staff to invest in living mindfully and healthily, and was a tremendous success this year.
Special thanks to our donors: Corporate Donors
Abilis Solutions, Alvis, Aramark, Association of State Correctional Administrators, The Association of Women Executives in Corrections, Center for Mindfulness in Public Safety, The Change Companies, CoreCivic, Council of Juvenile Correctional Administration, Desert Waters Correctional Outreach, Falcon, The GEO Group Foundation, Inc., Indiana Criminal Justice Association, International Association for Correctional and Forensic Psychology, Keefe Group, Management & Training Corporation, Nakamoto Group, Oregon Correctional Enterprises, Oriana House, PowerDMS, Wellpath and Wexford Health. Individual Donors Dawn Baker, Carol Ann Brooks, Marina Cadreche, Pat Caruso, Harbans Deol, Nina Dozoretz, Xyzeidria Ensley, Zachary Erdman, Kathy Gerbing, Betty and Jim Gondles, Harmony Goorley, Michael Gower, Jim Greer, Pelicia Hall, Marcus Hodges, Linda Janes, Chuck and Ellen Kehoe, Latoya Lane, Michael Miskell, Jon Ozmint, Colette S. Peters, Anne Precythe, Barry Prestage, Michelle Ryber-Grebel, Ann Schlarb, Thomas Stickrath, Cherie Townsend, Jovanni and Jeffrey Washington.
— Robert Breckenridge II
Corrections Today November/December 2019 — 41
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