Alvin Martinez, CCO Andrew Masga, CCS Ava Miller, CCO Lorenzo Pearsall, CCO Dmitri Pitcher, CCO Kellen Quick, CCO Joseph Quiros, CCO Maria Reyes, CCO Francisco Rodriguez, CCO Igor Shkepu, CCS Christian Smith, CCO Thaddeus Spalding, CCS Michael Thorpe, CCS Edison Urquiza, CCS Nicole Westfall, CCS Bahamas Alfreda Skinner, CCE Tennessee Patricia Dixon, CCM Florida Paul Adee, CCM Scott Acheinhaus, CBHC
U.S. Military Johnnel Acosta, CCO Scott Alllen, CCO David Amos, CCS Omar Andrade, CCO Eddie Asitimbay, CCO Jare Askew, CCO Elaine Avilia, CCS Patrick Boardley, CCS Isabella Bruan, CCO Christian Cadena, CCS Spencer Chance, CCO Tyler Chenault, CCS Jason Crowe, CCO Jeremy Dehart, CCS Beradley Endris, CCS Seth Haffery, CCS Denice Henderson, CCO Cassie Henry, CCO Darla Hoyos, CCO Owen Hueck, CCO Destinee Jackson, CCO Berlin Jasso, CCO Aidan Krainik, CCO Matthew Leavett, CCO Joshua Lejuene, CCS
Georgia Cesar Siska, CBHC Virginia Misty Bishop, CCM
Congratulations to all those who have achieved certification! This list includes those certified between January 1 st and February 28 th , 2023. For more information, contact Steven Jones at (703) 224-0007 or
66 — May/June 2023 Corrections Today
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