
NIC Update

and development as IGNITE serves as a model for correctional facilities across the nation. In September 2021, Sheriff Swanson and the IGNITE Team traveled to Hennepin County in Minneapolis, Minnesota, to assist in the implementation of Helping Others by Providing Education

networks, one for Chromebook and educational needs and one for dedicated commissary/canteen tablet service. Facing the future The Office of Sheriff is prepared to face challenges as they come, embracing opportunities for growth

(H.O.P.E.) — providing support based on the IGNITE model. Today, H.O.P.E. is changing the culture of incarceration in Hennepin County under the leadership and commit ment of Sheriff David Hutchinson. Moving forward, the effective ness of I.G.N.I.T.E. will be evaluated based on an assessment of specific performance measurements, e.g., number of students enrolled, number of hours of coursework completed, number of teaching hours, number of students earning their GED, reading level improvement, number of high school graduates, number of IGNITE graduates and number of job oppor tunities. This data tracking system will be implemented in collabora tion with Mt. Morris Community Schools. To date, 1,844 students have been enrolled. A total of 127,650 teach ing hours have resulted in 63% of students passing their GED Subject Test, 18 students earning their GED and three students receiving their high school diploma. In addition, 32 students have returned to the com munity with full-time employment. The Office of Sheriff has document ed the implementation of IGNITE from idea to implementation. De signed to be applied to a correctional facility of any size, IGNITE can be replicated in any facility. Specialist with the National Institute of Corrections, currently serving as Program Manager for the Correctional Industries, Evidence-Based Workforce Series, and the Jail to Community Reentry Initiative. P. Elizabeth Taylor is a Correctional Program

What people are saying ”

“We are transforming the incarceration model into educa tion. We’re breaking the chains of generational incarceration start ing right here in Genesee County. If we can break generational incarceration, then everybody wins when it comes to inmates being housed.” “The IGNITE Program is what positive change looks like! Saluting Genesee County, Flint, and Sheriff Chris Swan son for providing much needed educational opportunities that are cutting edge and [that] will hopefully be followed by others around the country.” — Jim Harbaugh Head Coach, University of Michigan Football — Christopher R. Swanson Sheriff

“Even if they are credentialed, even if they have a high school diploma from a few years back and they’re still struggling with reading comprehension, we’ll approach that to hopefully make their life a little bit better moving forward.” — Al Peters Mt. Morris Schools, Principal “Good [does] come out of bad, you know? I’m just thankful and grateful I was given this op portunity. It was a long journey, but I stuck through it. I never would have thought that I’d be the one standing up here before all of [you] and the last man standing.” — Leon Mize, IGNITE Graduate

To find out more about IGNITE, visit

Corrections Today May/June 2023 — 17

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