
Executive Office

Click here to submit an award nomination!

Rewarding excellence

ACA awards recognize exceptional commitment E ach year at the American Cor rectional Association’s Winter Conference, distinguished recipient attending an institution of higher education. Any ACA member may nominate individuals from dis advantaged backgrounds who have demonstrated a need and a willing ness to continue their undergraduate the presentation around those criteria. – – One set of relevant supporting documentation. Please note that some awards re quire information in addition to these

awards are presented to honor ex emplary leadership and service and recognize corrections’ stars. The Innovation in Corrections Award is presented to a program that effectively and creatively addresses a specific offender problem or need. The Peter P. Lejins Research Award honors an individual who has made significant contributions to correctional research. It is presented in honor of Professor Emeritus Peter P. Lejins, an ACA past president and distinguished correctional researcher. Heroes are a rare breed. But corrections seems to have more than its share of them — men and women who are exemplary leaders in a demanding profession. Seize this opportunity to see their hard work and integrity rewarded. Because education is an invalu able resource, ACA presents the Martin Luther King Jr. Scholar ship Award each year to a minority

or graduate training related to a career in the criminal justice field. Nowhere will you find more cou rageous people than those nominated for ACA’s Medal of Valor . Anyone in corrections who has performed an act of extraordinary bravery on the job within the time frame outlined on the nomination form is eligible for this award. ACA’s Award of Merit recogniz es an individual who has performed an act of extraordinary bravery out side of his or her professional duties within the time frame outlined on the nomination form for this award. Entry rules Entries for ACA awards should include the following information: – – The official nomination form. – – A summary addressing each award criterion. Please re member to submit only three single-spaced pages — this rule will be strictly enforced. Since the Awards Committee will be looking for superior performance in the criteria noted on the entry form, it will help your case to organize

general criteria as outlined on the nomination form. All entries must be complete to be considered for an award, so please review all criteria before submitting an entry. Because of the volume of entries received, ACA is unable to return entries or supporting documentation unless requested.

All entries must be received by June 1, 2022.

For additional information and details on specific awards, see the following award nomination forms or contact India Vargas at 800-222 5646, ext. 0104; or Don’t let an exceptional

job or com mitment to corrections go unrec ognized

—sendinyour nomination(s) today.

60 — May/June 2022 Corrections Today

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