Professional Development
certification Spotlight
How you can help improve ACA’s certification program
By Casandra DePalma
C ertification in corrections may seem like a great un- dertaking, and that can, of course, have a few different mean- ings: that it is difficult, that it is rewarding, that it is time consuming, etc. Well, the certification program at ACA is all of these. The program that has been created to certify cor- rectional professionals is not meant to be easy. It is a challenge, which makes completing the program even more rewarding. It is time consuming, in that studying is involved and is required, because if the candidates do not take the pro- gram seriously, they may not pass the exam. The exams for all levels, whether the certification pertains to security or health care, are difficult, again adding to the reward factor. All of this is part of professional growth and development, and that is what the certification program is all about. Currently, the professional development department at ACA is working to continually update and upgrade the certification realm. We’re working to add new levels of certification to update the exist- ing exams and study materials that
In order to evolve and grow our certification program, we look to obtain feedback from our members and non-members to provide the best possible experience.
variety or more certifications in general, reach out and let us know! Feedback and information from the field is what we try to focus on to make this organization, and in particular, the professional devel- opment department, the best it can possibly be. Certification is not a new idea, but it can continue to feel new with the information that is provided to our consumer — you! So, if you find yourself not signing up to be part of the certification program at ACA, ask yourself, why? Then, reach out and let us know. We want to know what it is that the professionals in corrections want, and we will work to get it for you. Do not feel stuck in your current role. Do something to boost your credentials and inter- est in yourself; it will prove to be beneficial! Casandra DePalma is the director of Professional Development at the American Correctional Association. To offer suggestions on how to improve ACAʼs certification program, please email us at
we already offer in order to comply with the wants and needs of those in the field who are looking to grow and better themselves profession- ally. In order to evolve and grow our certification program, we look to obtain feedback from our members and non-members to provide the best possible experience. If you have participated in the program and see an opportunity for improvement, let us know. We are here to serve you in the field with the most up-to-date and best information available. If you find we should offer a better
76 — March/April 2019 Corrections Today
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