Professional Development
Professional Development Update
Continuous improvement through professional development
By Casandra DePalma
E ver growing and ever chang- ing, professional development is something that applies to all career types and all people, no matter the background or specialization. It is about being better, stepping up to the next level, and proving to yourself and your colleagues what you are made of. Development does not happen over- night; it is hard work and dedication to one’s craft, which is why it is so rewarding. The department of profes- sional development is always trying to innovate and explore new options to help our corrections professionals and members of ACA grow. Growth is usually associated with change, and in order to move up or move on one needs to decide what changes or updates he or she needs to make, whether it is in his or her career, in a relationship or, more broadly, in life. We here at ACA are dedicated to helping facilitate that change with our members, which is why we, in turn, must continue to change. We are evolving our e-learning courses to provide educa- tion on food service, ethics and an updated course for those interested in certification. We will also be offering courses to support our updated study
materials, which are coming soon. We are continuing to build our certi- fication platform by offering updated exams and study materials to stay at the forefront of the field. Finally, we are looking to build upon our train- ing program to accommodate the needs of any facility. The field of corrections is constant- ly evolving, and there are always new issues to address and challenges to tackle. The professional development department at ACA recognizes that and we are committed to providing the best service for our members and all of those in the field of corrections
by offering the most innovative av- enues for development. Whether it be through e-learning, face-to-face train- ings or certification, we want to be the number one source for professional development in the country, and we are constantly working to improve our processes and procedures to achieve that goal.
Casandra DePalma is the director of Professional Development at the American Correctional Association.
74 — March/April 2019 Corrections Today
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