Executive Office
Tell Us About Your Peter P. Lejins Nominee Nominee Name: ____________________________________________________________________________ 2020 Peter P. Lejins Research Award Nomination
1. Please provide nominee’s current position/status:
2. Provide nominee’s current research work effort(s), if any:
3. List completed specific research projects meant to support this nomination:
4. Provide listing of other research-related work efforts, (i.e., journal articles):
5. Have you attached a letter consisting of a positive evaluation of the nominee’s contribution from at least one competent and recognized researcher in the field of corrections? (Respond “yes” or “no”).
Yes ______
No ______
6. Does the letter clearly reflect the rationale for the determination that the nominee’s contributions to corrections have been significant?
Yes ______
No ______
7. Provide any involvement/activities the nominee has had with ACA, if any (i.e., contributed articles to ACA publications, served on committees):
8. Is the nominee involved in a lawsuit or allegations that could possible result in a lawsuit or public controversy? If the response is “yes,” please explain:
Yes ______ _____________________________________________________
No ______
66 — March/April 2019 Corrections Today
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