Join ACA Today!
Join online at and pay with your credit card. Or, fill out and return the completed application and payment to ACA, Attention: Membership.
Membership Categories (Check One) U.S. & U.S. Territories Dues
q Administration q Chaplaincy q Classification q Food Service q Human Services q Inmate Programs q Intake & Release q Juvenile q Law Enforcement Areas of Concentration Choose only one:
International Dues
Professional I
Professional I
q 1 yr. $35
q 3 yrs. $99
q 1 yr. $75
q 3 yrs. $215
Professional II
Professional II
q 1 yr. $75
q 3 yrs. $215
q 1 yr. $110 q 3 yrs. $320
Executive Gold
Executive Gold
q 1 yr. $100 q 3 yrs. $290
q 1 yr. $150 q 3 yrs. $440
q 1 yr. $300
q 1 yr. $390
Supporting Patron q 1 yr. $350
Supporting Patron
q 1 yr. $440
q 1 yr. $25
q Medical Care q Mental Health q Information
Member Information **In order to process your application accurately, all of the following fields must be provided. Please check one q Home q Work
q Substance Abuse Counselor q Training q Volunteer q Other
First Name: _______________________________ Last Name: ________________________________
Facility or Organization: ________________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________
City: ________________________________ State: _______________ ZIP Code: _________________
Telephone: _______________________________ Email: ____________________________________
ACA’s Mission Statement
Payment Method q Check/Money Order Enclosed. Payment must be made to ACA – Attention: Membership 206 N. Washington St., Suite #200 Alexandria, VA 22314 A $25 fee will be charged for returned checks/electronic transactions. Credit Card: q American Express q Diners Club q Discover q Mastercard q Visa
The American Correctional Association provides a professional organization for all individuals and groups, both public and private, that share a common goal of
Card Number: _______________________________________________________________________
improving the justice system.
Exp. Date: ______ /______ / ______ Security Code: ______________
Signature: ___________________________________________________ Date: _____ / _____/ _____
206 N. WASHINGTON ST. SUITE 200 ALEXANDRIA, VA 22314 | PHONE: 703-224-0000 | FAX: 703-224-0179 | WWW.ACA.ORG
38 — March/April 2019 Corrections Today
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