View from the Line
to successful re-entry and recidivism reduction. Endnotes Schelle, S. (2015). (2015). Juvenile Recidivism 2015. Indiana Department of Correction (IDOC). Indianapolis, IN. Available online https://www. [last retrieved 2018-04-11. Lockwood, S. K., & Nally, J. M. (2017). Exploring the Importance of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (2014) to Correctional Education Programs for Incarcerated Young Adults. Justice Policy Journal, 14 (1), 1-24. Lowe, M., & Nisbett, N. (2013). Mentoring Incarcerated Youth: A Community-Based Learning Experience. Journal of Community Engagement and Higher Education , 5 (1), 82–90. Matz, A. K., Martin, K. D. S., & DeMichele, M. T. (2014). Barriers to Effective Gang-Member Re-entry: An Examination of Street Gang Affiliated Probationer Revocation in a Southwestern State. Journal of Gang Research, 21 (2), 33-50.
Ochoa, T. A. (2016). Improving Transition Support for Juvenile Offenders With Disabilities Through a Collaborative Approach. Intervention in School and Clinic , 52 (1), 44–50. Ochoa, T.A., Otero, T. L., Levy, L. J., & Deskalo, A. Y. (2013). Integration of the School Resource Officer as Liaison Between Law Enforcement and School Administration in the Discipline of Students. Law Enforcement Executive Forum, 13 (2), 129-136. Office of Justice Programs. (2016). Juveniles in Residential Placement, 2013. Laurel, MD: Sarah Hockenberry. Rand Corporation. (2014). How Effective Is Correctional Education, and Where Do We Go from Here? Washington, DC: Davis, L. M., Steele, J. L., Bozick, R., Williams, M., Turner, S., Miles, J. N. V., Steinberg, P. S. Youth Re-entry Task Force. (2009). Back on Track: Supporting Youth Re-entry from Out-of-Home Placement to the Community . Washington, DC: Nellis, A., & Wayman, R. A. H.
Theresa Ochoa is an associate professor at Indiana University. Sarah Swank is the juvenile mentoring director at Indiana University. Helena Flores is a doctoral student at Indiana University. Susan Lockwood is a retired member of the Department of Corrections. Niki Weller is an associate professor at Indiana University, Kokomo. Monica Solinas-Saunders is an associate professor at Indiana University, Northwest.
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