
From Jim’s Desk nEWS&vIEWS

Getting along through our divisions

Court, Congress, the President, fos sil fuel, greenhouse gases, the death penalty and so on are natural topics of two (or more) sides. And nearly all Americans have strong beliefs on these and other issues (even if they say they do not). So why do we worry so much about our divisions? Maybe it’s because we see or hear of those divisions causing more violence than in past years, maybe it’s because of emails, social media, texts, talking heads on radio and television, and a new openness of expressing one’s self. Yes, the USA summer is upon us, and fireworks in the sky on Indepen dence Day 2022 may lead to even more fireworks among all of us after the fourth. I believe it was Rodney King who once said “why can’t we all get along?” Those were the days my friend.


T he 152 nd Congress of Cor rection is upon us and we are well into celebration of summer across the country. And, as usual, the USA is deep in division on issues, opinions, candidates and our future. To many of us, it seems like the country is splitting further apart on nearly every, and all, subjects. The war in the Ukraine has even caused Americans to divide. You would think virtually every Ameri can would line up solidly against Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine, but such is not the case. A large

segment of Congress refused to side with Ukraine in a vote on assisting that country, and many in our coun try continually speak about Ukraine’s “corruption” thereby implying Ukraine somehow deserves what they’re getting. So on it goes. Seems to me that no matter what the issue, we just naturally divide. But in a way that’s what democracy is all about. It’s unreasonable and unrealistic to think 325 million people are going to think alike on most issues. Abortion, guns, immigration, taxes, the Supreme

James A. Gondles Jr., CAE ACA Executive Director

6 — July/August 2022 Corrections Today

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