
Welcome New Members

Pennsylvania — Noah Barth

Brandon Warren, Amy White, Tracy Williams

Vermont — James Gillis, Cindy Lack, James Mann Washington — Christopher Ahlstrom, Nina Hamlette-Wells, Teana Robbins , Caitlin Robertson, Amanda Rukavina Wisconsin — Monica Brunette, Gary Stinson West Virginia — Justin Cook, Joseph Gower

Tennessee — Maurice Bond, Andrew Cromer, Jade Kirby, Sharon Milburn, Carissa Miniard, Faith Reed, Katrina Thompson, Tara Watkins-Wilson, Brandon Whitten, Maranda Wilson Texas — Elliott Dobbs, Tracy Mallory, Matthew McGinnis, Christopher Morrison, Dalores Riley,

Utah — Nathaniel Thomas

Virginia — David Baisey, Marnie Dollinger, Delgoda Eley, Antonio Hash, Anthony Hypolite, Christina Jackson, Jenny Kobersteen, Larry Leabough, Amanda McKearin, Danielle Rudes, Jennifer Stone, Brendis Urrutia

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To view our photography submission guidelines 1) Visit 2) Scroll over the “Publications” tab 3) Select “ Corrections Today Magazine,” and 4) Select “Submission Guidelines.”

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Corrections Today July/August 2022 — 51

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