
The First ACA-Sponsored NCOEW Celebration

Photos by Edward J. McMillan and Martin J. Pociask; photo frames: istock/ art-sonik

Strong Government Support The relationship between the Reagan administration and the corrections community continued to grow stronger after the signing of the proclamation, as former ACA President T. Don Hutto is shown shaking Reagan’s hand (pictured right) during a meeting with the National Sheriff’s Asso- ciation and American Association of Correctional Officers (AACO) at the White House in 1985, one year after the proclamation was signed.

Photos courtesy The White House; photo frames: istock/ art-sonik

Former President Reagan shaking hands with former ACA President T. Don Hutto.

Former President Reagan is presented with a gift from AACO founder and former President Dennis R. Martin.

Corrections Today July/August 2019 — 41

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